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The Concert of a Lifetime – Part 1

All William could think of was wanting more time to spend with Audrey. He wished he could grab her hand and spend all night looking into her eyes. But he knew he had a concert to perform. William quickly whispered into his manager’s ear, who was making sure everything was running smoothly with the meet-and-greet. “Audrey, you are the winner of our Halloween Backstage Bash pass!,” the manager shouted out to the crowd and then looked at Audrey for her reaction. Everyone in line started cheering and clapping for her. “What? I didn’t know I was even in the drawing for it!” Sasha freaked out and had a good feeling she would be joining Audrey in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. William looked at Audrey and winked at her, and Audrey immediately knew that William had just hooked her up. “You and your friend just follow me,” the manager said and William quickly said, “See you soon!” Audrey could not believe what was happening and smiled at William, which made him feel like his heart had actually started beating for the first time, a feeling he couldn’t remember ever existing.

Audrey and Sasha were escorted to a room right off to the side of the stage and were offered drinks and snacks while they waited for William to finish with his fan obligations. The rest of the band were warming up on stage and Sasha was already checking out her next victim if William didn’t work out. “I can’t believe this is happening!” “I know!,” said Sasha as she made her way to flirt with the band. Audrey laughed to herself and couldn’t wait until William made his way to her. William was dying to finish signing and taking pics with his fans so he could spend as much time as possible with Audrey before having to perform. He hadn’t felt this kind of rush in what felt like lifetimes, so seeing her face couldn’t come quicker.

Audrey was startled to not even see William appear in front of her. “I hope you have had a drink and food and have made yourself comfortable,” William said in an enthusiastic voice. Her eyes seemed to pierce his soul and he felt as if he had known her for as long as he could remember. “I have, and cannot believe you did this for us!” She felt the same as William, as she had dreamed about this moment ever since she started crushing on him since Bite Lust’s first album came out. “Let me introduce you to the band.”

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Audrey Meets William #3

There was a line around the block at the venue where Bite Lust was playing. Audrey and Sasha jumped out of their Uber as fast as they could, hoping the line was not for the meet-and-greet. “This sucks,” Sasha said as she slammed the Uber door shut. Sasha was always the complainer – half-glass-full kind of gal. Audrey was not going to let Sasha get her down. She had been waiting for this moment for what seemed to be a lifetime. “Come on Sasha, let’s go meet Bite Lust and have a good time!” Of course the line was for the meet-and-greet, Audrey thought to herself. Who wouldn’t want to meet William. At least it was a cool Fall night and everyone was dressed in costume for Halloween. It looked like a hoard of trick-or-treaters going around the block. People driving by were probably thinking these people found the jack pot of treats.

One hour had past and Audrey was daydreaming about William. What would she say? Would he even look into her eyes? Sasha was continually talking about how absurd it was to wait in line so long, but to Audrey it sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher talking in the distance. Didn’t phase her a bit. She was used to blocking out Sasha, even though she loved her to death. Sasha was a very forward and confident woman, which came in handy when you needed help getting rid of guys who couldn’t take the hint. They were finally inside the building and she could see him about fifty feet away. She had the biggest grin on her face and her heart was racing a mile a minute. William had been talking to fans for over an hour and for some reason he actually took the time to glance in her direction – to take an eye break from the fans directly in front of his face. It was like a spot light from the past lit up a stage and Audrey was the envy of the entire room. William took a double-take because he couldn’t believe the striking resemblance the woman had to Audrey Hepburn. “Could you please sign it to Megan?,” a smitten fan politely asked William as she held up a vinyl album cover of Bite Lust’s latest album trying to get his attention. He didn’t even hear her because of his infatuation not even a room-length away. Everything else faded to black and all he saw and felt was what he longed for so long ago. He could hear her rapid heartbeat, could sense her longing for him from across the room and could smell the perfume she was wearing like a flower was right in front of his nose. Audrey was blind to the fact William was even looking at her. She thought he was just giving the room what they wanted, for all the fans to swoon over him. Of course she was right there with all of them, but wasn’t presumptious enough to think he only had eyes for her. Sasha, on the other hand, did a one-eighty in her mood and gushingly said, “Did you see that Audrey? He was checking me out!” Sasha was a very attractive girl, but more on the grunge side and the exact opposite of Audrey.

William finally snapped out of what he thought could only be an hallucination. His eager, yet slightly annoyed fan, had repeated herself four times before William reluctantly zoned in to the present moment and started signing her album cover, forgetting of course to make it out to Megan. Audrey and Sasha continued to make their way closer and closer to William and William could not make it more obvious he was rushing the next twenty or so fans. All he wanted was to have this person right in front of him to “take his breath away” in the emotional sense, for it was impossible in reality. Audrey and Sasha finally made it to the front of the line and before Audrey or William could say a word Sasha rudely jumped in front of her best friend and said, “Hi William, I saw you checking me out a while ago. How about we meet up after the show?” Sasha then gave a look like she wanted to devour him and smiled like he had already accepted the offer. William’s first thought was to embarrass her because of her assumptions, but he saw that she was with the person he really wanted to see and bit his tongue. “That is a bold and confident move. What’s your name?,” William quickly said. Before Sasha could even finish saying her name William immediately responded, “Who is your friend?,” and looked right into Audrey’s mesmerizing brown eyes. “My name is Audrey.” She felt like she was under a spell. The moment their eyes met William knew she was the one he had been waiting to meet for decades. He couldn’t believe her name was Audrey and how much she really resembled Audrey Hepburn so long ago.